“Gregorian Chant in the Heart of the Alps – The Early Middle Ages” is the theme of a study tour to be led by Fr Robert Skeris to Switzerland, Italy and Germany from 21 July to 01 August 2008, with lectures, workshops and sung services. Twelve days, three- and four-star accommodations, some meals.

Limited to 15 singers; music will be provided. Price $ 3016 plus taxes etc. Itinerary includes Island of Reichenau, Abbey Maria Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek St Gallen, Konvent St Johann in Müstair, Stift Marienberg in Malles/Venosta.

Also visits to sites associated with the ancestors of the CMAA : John B. Singen-berger’s church of baptism and Franz Xaver Witt’s grave in Landshut. Details : contact rskeris@sbcglobal.net.