Last year I attended the Colloquium in Pittsburgh.  I really enjoyed myself and was able to bring both the music and the semiology back to the choir in my home parish. Upon returning, I taught a class in semiology to our adult choir and dabbled in the Ward method with our two children’s choirs.  Things continue apace, and we hope to do the Parson’s Ave Maria this fall. But this year, money is definitely an issue.  By splitting a room and car-pooling with a friend, I can afford travel, room, and board but, I have little to nothing left for tuition.  I am a religious and just don’t have means to pull the whole amount together.  I’m wondering if someone might possibly be willing to donate that cost or part of the cost.  I really have used the knowledge and repertoire from last year in both adult and children’s choirs AND in two different parishes, OF and EF.  I would be so grateful if there would be some way that I could attend again.

There have been many requests just like this one for scholarship aid this year.  The CMAA has been able to amass a large enough scholarship fund to assist twelve people in coming to the Sacred Music Colloquium this year in Salt Lake City.  There are many more people who would like to come, but do not have the funds.  And not all are bold enough to ask for help.

The registration deadline is in two weeks.  If there is some way you can make a donation to the cause, be it $10 or $500, your generosity will be much rewarded:  with renewed hope, beautiful liturgy, and a more promising future for sacred music.

Write to us if you can help, or make a donation to through Pay Pal.   No gift is too small.  All donations are tax deductible.