St. Francis de Sales Oratory, March 10-12, 2017
Highlights include:
Discourses on the Spirituality of Gregorian Chant and Sacred Music
Sung Vespers and Compline
Solemn High Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent.
Both the practical and spiritual aspects of sacred music will be the focus of an upcoming Sacred Music Workshop in March. Already in the planning stages, the intensive two-day program will include spiritual talks given by Institute canons, Gregorian chant instruction including Gregorian Rhythm and an introduction to Chironomy imparted by Canon Wulfran Lebocq, currently serving in Ireland and was the Chant Master at the Seminary for a number of years.

St. Francis de Sales Ordinations
Participants will also experience singing polyphonic repertoire taught by Mr. Nicholas Botkins, Director of Music at St. Francis de Sales Oratory. Starting on Friday evening, March 10, and including High Mass on Sunday, participants will take part in chanting the Office with members of the Institute, attend lectures and rehearsals for both Chant and polyphony.
For the complete schedule and all the details of the event, visit the Institute of Christ the King website here: