Author Archives: SacredMusic

Kyriale Romanum

We are pleased to make available a Kyriale extract from the Graduale, with helpful navigation links. The other edition linked on this site is also excellent but it lacks the Solesmes-style rhythmic markings. Thus does this pdf edition fill a gap in our online resources.

The book contains all the Mass settings plus Psalm tones for readings and the Gloria Patri, plus chants for Corpus Christi, fully 160 pages in a format that is far easy to manage that the full Graduale. It is the true “people’s songbook” for the Roman Rite. You can easily copy images using Adobe reader. The scan is 300 dpi.

In addition, the Kyriale is available in both softcover ($12) and hardcover ($25) here.

March issue of the Adoremus Bulletin

It offers a wonderful piece in the coming colloquium.

Phoenix on EWTN

On March 26th at 11:30am Eastern time, the Holy Mass will be shown from Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in the Diocese of Phoenix on EWTN. The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted will be Celebrant. The Cathedral Schola, which sings the Solemn Mass every Sunday at 11:00am, will sing the Introit, Communio and the Ordinary of the Mass, along with some solid Catholic hymns. The Schola is made up of professional musicians.

Scholarship Generosity

Because of your donations, we’ve been able to grant four scholarships to the sacred music colloquium. Thank you for your generosity! Of course there are other students and singers applying who will have to be turned down until more funds are available. If you would like to help, please contact us or make an online donation for this purpose.

The Growing Movement

What parishes use Latin and chant at Mass? Fr. Fox wants to know.

And don’t forget to sign the National Registry of Gregorian Scholas.
