Gregorian Chant Weekend
October 4-6, 2019

The Gregorian Chant Weekend is an opportunity for the faithful to sing Gregorian Chant at Holy Mass and in the Divine Office. Instruction is given through preparing to sing for the liturgy. Beginners are welcome. The weekend begins Friday, October 4th, immediately following the monastic office of Vespers (at 6pm) in the crypt of the Abbey church. It ends with a picnic after 11:00 am Mass on Sunday.
The weekend will feature:
• Compline sung Friday and Saturday night
• Mass sung Saturday and Sunday morning
• Conference on the history of Gregorian Hymns
• Instruction throughout the day (beginning at 8:30am) with a break for lunch
• Picnic after Sunday Mass
For more information, visit the Abbey website at or call the Abbey at (918) 772-2454.
Accommodations for women will be available in either Bethany House (as space allows) or the Log Cabin. Meals are not provided for those staying in the Log Cabin.
Accommodations for men will be in the Guesthouse of the new monastery, as well as in the oratory building of the old monastery.
Make plans now to attend the 2019 Chant Weekend at the Abbey!