Author Archives: Webmaster

Aug 15-17: Chant Conference in Oregon

A Summer Gregorian Chant Conference in the Diocese of Baker (Oregon), August 15-17, 2013, sponsored by Schola Cantus Angelorum. Workshops by Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre, Yumiko Rinta, Rev. Daniel Maxwell. Masses celebrated by Bp. Liam Cary, Rev. Daniel Maxwell, Rev. Robert Greiner.

The event will be held at the diocesan Powell Butte Retreat Center in the town of Powell Butte, OR.

Sep 28: Children’s chant workshop in New York

Chant instructor Scott Turkington Scott_Turkington_workshop_2013_09_28 will present Music for the Ages, a workshop for children and adults, in New York on September 28 at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Manhattan. For registration info, see the flyer on-line, or e-mail Director of Music Daniel Sañez.

Fall 2013 on-line: Semiology and the Interpretation of Gregorian Chant

On-line course: Semiology and the Interpretation of Gregorian Chant (Fall 2013)
Online, synchronous (everyone meets together in an online environment) course beginning September 16. Taught by Edward Schaefer, professor of music at the University of Florida and director of the Florida Schola Cantorum. Enrollment limited to six. See for details.

Ongoing: Gregorian Chant Online

[Inactive link:] Gregorian Chant Online. [Ongoing throughout year. Check schedule for class offerings and times.] Reading square notes is easy and fun. Start with the basics of the four line staff and simple neumes, and progress quickly toward being able to sing Mass ordinaries and propers, chant hymns, psalmody…the list goes on. More advanced sessions examine the Gregorian modes, theories of plainsong rhythm, and more. Taught by Arlene Oost-Zinner.

Aug 6-9: “Chant and Culture” in Vancouver

The Gregorian Institute of Canada is holding its annual colloquium at the University of British Columbia August 6-9, 2013, with keynote lectures by CMAA president William Mahrt (Stanford) and Prof. William Renwick (McMaster University). The colloquium is a combination of scholarly presentations, music workshops, and liturgical services; more information is on-line at the Institute’s site.
