Register for Winter Sacred Music by November 14th and save $50*!
Please join the CMAA for its first Winter Sacred Music course January 4-8, 2016 in Houston, Texas at St. Mary’s Seminary. Experience the intense chant training of a week-long course and the joy of singing in a polyphonic choir in the first week of the new year.
During the week, study with two masters, Wilko Brouwers and Scott Turkington, as they share their expertise in chant and polyphony. Be a part of the lovely music in two liturgies during the week — one in the extraordinary form, one in the ordinary form, in addition to the basics of singing morning and night prayer. Join us for the week’s breakout sessions by Dr. William Mahrt, and daily Mass (Thursday) with the children’s choir from St. Theresa’s Parish in Sugar Land, TX.
For useful links:
Register Now Online
Download Registration Form
Conference Hotel
Course Schedule
NEW! Repertory (preliminary)
NEW! Instructions for Priests, Deacons and Seminarians
For any questions, please contact us at programs@musicasacra.com.
*Full payment of tuition by November 14th required for Early bird tuition rates.