Search Results for: Simple English Propers

SEP Practice Videos

Practice videos for the chants in Simple English Propers by Adam Bartlett are on-line. Thanks to Jeff Ostrowski at Corpus Christi Watershed for producing them!

Please note that a few antiphons do not have a companion practice video.


Christmas Season

  • Second Sunday After Christmas
  • Baptism of the Lord


Holy Week

Easter Season

  • Pentecost (Vigil Mass)

Solemnities of the Lord during Ordinary Time

  • Sacred Heart of Jesus

Ordinary Time

  • Ordinary Time: 9th Sunday
  • Ordinary Time: 12th Sunday

Feasts and Solemnities

  • February 2: Presentation of the Lord
  • March 19: Saint Joseph
  • June 24: Birth of St. John the Baptist (Vigil Mass)
  • June 29: Saint Peter and Saint Paul (Vigil Mass)
  • June 29: Saint Peter and Saint Paul (Mass of the Day)
  • August 15: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Vigil Mass)
  • August 15: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass of the Day)
  • September 14: Triumph of the Cross

Ritual Masses

Annual Fund

CMAA Day 3-Group Photography after Shrine of St Joseph-cropped

2016 Colloquium Group Photo, courtesy of Rene Zajner

Since 2014, the generosity of donors to the CMAA Annual Fund has supported the Association’s most important projects, strengthened its financial foundations, and maintained CMAA’s day-to-day service. Contributions to the CMAA Annual Fund support:

Annual Fund Projects

  • Our flagship national event, the SACRED MUSIC COLLOQUIUM, featuring seminars, plenary talks, orchestral liturgies, and practical training in Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony.
  • CONTINUING EDUCATION programs including Chant Intensive workshops and the Winter courses. The CMAA also supports regional workshops sponsored by local groups with promotion and assistance.
  • SCHOLARSHIPS for students and seminarians to attend our training seminars and the annual Colloquium. Most of the donations we receive are used to allow us to offer reduced pricing and scholarships to allow students, seminarians and those of limited means to get the training they need. We have many requests for scholarship funding every year. Because of your generosity, we have large numbers of young attendees coming to our courses every summer!
  • Donations to the annual fund make it possible to develop new courses, such as our Ward I course offered for the first time in summer 2016 and Ward II offered for the first time in 2017. With your support, the CMAA can explore expanding our programs to fill the needs of Sacred Music amateurs and professionals in the U.S. and around the world.
  • CMAA PUBLISHING: the production and distribution of a wide array of books useful in promoting sacred music. The CMAA is proud to make available The Parish Book of Chant, Simple Choral Gradual, Simple English Propers, Parish Book of Psalms, and Mystic Modern: The Music, Thought and Legacy of Charles Tournemire, Now I Walk in Beauty.
  • ONLINE PUBLICATION of a comprehensive library of educational materials for choir directors for free use by our members and the general public. These materials include many books on chant, as well as the many CMAA publications on a wide range of topics. The CMAA has also been able to add to the public domain choral library by uploading new engravings that are produced for use at Colloquia. You can find the most recent additions here: CHORAL SCORES
  • COMMISSIONS of new music to broaden the repertoire for organists and choirs. While promoting the use of the vast repertory of music that exists in the public domain for use in liturgies is a key part of our annual programs, it is also crucial to encourage the composition of new music by the talented musicians of today. The CMAA would like to become a source of funding for new music compositions.

The importance of the CMAA Annual Fund will grow each year as we strive to reach ambitious new goals. Please send your tax-deductible contribution to the CMAA Annual Fund today. With your help we will be able to strengthen the organization’s services and enhance our support of the profession in the new millennium.

Annual Fund Donor Form

Donate Online Now:

Recordings and Study Materials

CMAA videos

Clip art and photos

CMAA events

Chants of the Roman Missal (third edition, in English)

Practice videos for CMAA music publications

Historical audio

  • Doms Pothier and Mocquereau on the Chant: This page has audio recordings and transcriptions from lectures by Dom Joseph Pothier and Dom André Mocquereau, both great chant masters of the abbey at Solesmes, speaking about sacred chant.

Music Downloads: books and scores

This page leads to vast resources for singing the Mass in English and Latin, with PDF files for free downloading. Thanks to the composers and editors, and all the many people involved in building this infrastructure of shared musical heritage for the Catholic faith.

In Latin

Basic chant resources
For more Latin chant and choral resources…

In English

Essential resources
Choral Mass settings

In English: Propers of the Mass


Congregational booklets

Recordings and study materials

How you can make a difference

A letter from Jeffrey Tucker, director of publications, CMAA


Dear friend of sacred music,

I get letters all the time that say the following.

It’s great what is happening in sacred music and Catholic liturgy but it sure hasn’t reach my parish yet. In my parish, we are stuck doing….[fill in the blank with some regrettable scenario.]

Another letter says:

I can’t sing or play organ, and I wouldn’t have time to do so if I could, but I still like what you are doing.

If you fall into one of these categories, this note is to tell that there is something you can do that will make a difference right now. You can give financial resources to two projects I will list below.

Now, keep in mind that this method of fundraising and publishing has a proven record of success. This site raised $5000 for the Simple English Propers, a book that is the first published set of parish-viable English propers for the ordinary form of Mass. We came through in record time. This book has changed everything. It has set the whole English-speaking Catholic world on a new path, and is the rage in seminaries, parishes, and religious houses.

Let’s do it again with the following two projects, both of which are desperately needed.

1. The Musical Shape of the Liturgy, by William Mahrt. This is this great scholar’s 450-page manifesto, and it is in the final stages of preparation. We need money to pay typesetters, indexers, and front the printing costs so that it can be distributed at a reasonable price. Why is this book important? It is the first-ever practical and explanatory book of the place of music in the Roman Rite. The book brilliant covers both forms, and provides the rationale for why the propers are what they are, why the readings are sung a particular way, the place of the schola and the people – all heavily documented from Church teaching.

But is it an exaggeration to say that this is the first book? I don’t think so. There are historical treatises. There are theological treatises. But this is a practical treatise that deals with what musicians and priests deal with every day. It clearly explains the musical structure of the Roman Rite. There has never been anything like it. I can’t imagine anything more essential right now. And the author is the acknowledged world expert on this topic. It is his great legacy to the world. It deserves your support.

2. Simple English Psalms for Mass, by Arlene Oost-Zinner. These Psalms are in my view the best English Psalms around because they are beautiful and singable. The combination of those two traits is extremely rare. But this is what is essential for the Responsorial Psalm. The form itself is an innovation of 1969, and it posed serious challenges right off. Too often they are tossed off as a little trite melody for people to sing, all metrical and a bit silly. Where are the dignified Psalm settings, not just for one week but for the entire year? The other problem is that people must absolutely be able to sing them right away, because this is not the Graduale of old. It is a new form. Achieving this balance of beautiful and singable is very difficult.

But Arlene has figured it out. We use hers in my parish every week, and so do hundreds of other parishes. They use Gregorian psalm tones and the antiphon melody always reflects the text. They are available for download now. But not in a single book, and I think that the SEP has proven that this is essential. They are also not complete. Many feast days need to be done. I’ve been thinking through how many single books have Responsorial Psalms for the year and I can only think of one or two and neither what what needs to be done. So in many ways, this volume too is pioneering. These project has already raised $1000 but we need at least another $5000 more to support all the typesetting, printing, indexiing, and the completion of the task.

If we finish these two project, this site and the CMAA will have achieved something amazing. We will have produced all the essential books you need to sing the Mass in English with dignity and solemnity, plus provided the first real practical treatise on why do this really matters. These books will matter long after our lifetimes. It is a huge responsibility – and it is something that you can do to make a difference right now in our times. Please be generous, and thank you deeply.


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