- Extensive training in Gregorian chant under a world-class faculty, with choices of a chant class for beginners, a refresher
course for men and women, an office choir, a course on chant improvisation, chant conducting, and schola chant courses for advanced men or women.
- Breakout sessions during the week on a variety of topics, from directing, organist breakouts, including a masterclass with Dr. Paul Weber, chironomy, semiology, children’s programs, among others.
- Plenary lectures on topics of interest to all who love sacred music.
- Optional choral experience with one of five choirs singing sacred music of the masters such as Mendelssohn, Clemens non papa and Howells. You’ll learn with our gifted faculty, with choices of a beginning polyphony choir for those new to polyphony, or four choirs for more experienced singers.
- Daily liturgies with careful attention to musical settings in English and Latin.
- A gala welcome reception and dinner at the ballroom at the Anderson Student Center.
- Individual training in vocal production and technique.
- Training for priests, deacons, and seminarians in the sung Mass (not restricted to clergy and seminarians).
- A Music Book, including chant and polyphony, as part of registration. This music book will contain all non-copyrighted music used during the week.
- Your own copy of The Parish Book of Chant, 2nd edition.
- Book sales from the CMAA warehouse. We offer discounts on our books to all attendees and an extra 10% discount to CMAA members.
Four Venues
The Tuesday (June 20) Opening Colloquium Mass will be held at the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas at the University of St. Thomas. This liturgy, in the ordinary form of the Roman Rite, will start off our week with an all-English Mass. In addition to our opening Mass at the campus chapel, we will have Vespers on Thursday evening. The Mendelssohn Lauda Sion will also be sung during adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday afternoon in the chapel.
We are very pleased to announce that our 2017 Organ Recital will be held at the
Cathedral of St. Paul (Co-Cathedral in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and National Shrine of the Apostle Paul) in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. Local organist Samuel Backman will return to his hometown to play for the CMAA on Wednesday, June 21st at 7:30 pm at the Cathedral. This event is open to the public.
Three Masses during the week will be held at the Church of St. Mark in St. Paul, MN. Masses at St. Mark’s during the week are: Wednesday (June 21) – Votive Mass of St. Paul, Thursday (June 22) – Requiem Mass for deceased members of the CMAA and Saturday (June 24) – Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The closing Mass on Saturday will be offered for the intentions of the donors to the Church Music Association of America. The Church of St. Mark is within easy walking distance of the University of St. Thomas.
On Friday, June 23rd, Mass will be held at Church of St. Agnes, in St. Paul, followed by a banquet at St. Agnes. St. Agnes is the former parish of Monsignor Richard Schuler, who was present at the founding of the CMAA and who served for many years as the editor of Sacred Music.
Colloquium participants will experience the liturgy in the tradition started by Monsignor Schuler and continued by the members of the Twin Cities Catholic Chorale and a CMAA Master Choir. Following Mass, participants will enjoy a banquet at St. Agnes Parish in Schuler Hall.
Plenary Speakers
Tuesday, June 20, 2017: Dom Benedict Maria Andersen, Silverstream Priory, County Meath, Ireland.
“Fulfilled is all that David told”: Recovering the Christian Psalter
Wednesday, June 21, 2017: Msgr. Andrew R. Wadsworth, Executive Director for the ICEL Secretariat, “The Chant Hymns of the Revised Liturgy of the hours”
Thursday, June 22, 2017: Dr. William Mahrt, CMAA President, “Silence, Listening, and Singing”
Dom Benedict Maria Andersen, Silverstream Priory, Ireland
Samuel Backman, Concert Organist
Wilko Brouwers, Monteverdi Choir, The Netherlands
Mary Ann Carr-Wilson, St. Anne Catholic Church, San Diego, California
Charles Cole, Brompton Oratory, United Kingdom
Dr. Jennifer Donelson, St. Joseph Seminary (Dunwoodie), New York
David Hughes, St. Mary, Norwalk, CT
Dr. Ann Labounsky, Duquesne University
Dr. William Mahrt, CMAA President, Stanford University
Melanie Malinka, Choir School, Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City, UT
Matthew Meloche, SS Simon and Jude Cathedral, Phoenix, AZ
Jeffrey Morse, Sacramento, CA
Dr. MeeAe Cecilia Nam, Eastern Michigan University
Rev. Jude Orakwe, Anambra State University, Nigeria
Rev. Robert Pasley, Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Church, Berlin, NJ
William Riccio, St. Mary, Norwalk, CT
Jonathan Ryan, Concert Organist
Dr. Edward Schaefer, University of Florida
Dr. Scott Turkington, Holy Family Church and Holy Family Academy, Minneapolis, MN
Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, Executive Director of ICEL Secretariat, Washington, D.C.
Dr. Paul Weber, Trinity Episcopal, New Orleans, LA
Biographical information about the Colloquium Faculty
Organ Recital
We are very pleased that we will offer an organ recital by Samuel Backman at the Cathedral of St. Paul, in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota on June 21, 2017 at 7:30 pm. This recital will be open to the public. For more information about our recitalist, please visit our Faculty page.
Recital Repertory:
“Joie et clarté des Corps Glorieux,” from Les Corps Glorieux Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)
Sonata No. 11, in D minor, Opus 148 Josef G. Rheinberger (1839-1901)
I. Agitato
II. Cantilena
Præludium in G Major Nicolaus Bruhns (1665-1697)
Psalm-Preludes Set 1, Opus 32, No. 2 Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, from the Kirnberger Chorales Johann Sebastian Bach
Bach: Prelude and Fugue in D Major, BWV 532 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Clair de Lune, from Pièces de fantaisie, Opus 53, No. 5 Louis Vierne (1870-1937)
Finale, from Symphonie No. 6, Opus 59 Louis Vierne
Tues., June 20th, 3:45 pm | Mass, Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas, Univ. of St. Thomas | 11th Week of Ordinary Time, Ordinary Form (OF), English |
Wed., June 21st, 3:45 pm | Mass, Church of St. Mark | Votive Mass of St. Paul (OF) English/Latin |
Thurs., June 22nd, 2:00 pm | Mass, Church of St. Mark | Requiem, Polyphonic Ordinary, (EF) Latin |
Thurs., June 22nd, 7:00 pm | Vespers, Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas, Univ. of St. Thomas | (EF) Latin |
Fri., June 23rd, 1:45 pm | Exposition and Benediction, Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament |
Fri., June 23rd, 5:15 pm | Mass, Church of St. Agnes | Sacred Heart of Jesus, (OF) Latin |
Sat., June 24th, 12:00 pm | Mass, Church of St. Mark | Nativity of St. John the Baptist, (EF), Latin |
Instructions for Clergy and Seminarians
Please download this instruction page for Clergy and Seminarians regarding participation in the liturgies of the Colloquium.
Information regarding the vestment colors, as well as information regarding letters of good standing are detailed in the Instruction sheet.
If you have questions, please contact us at programs@musicasacra.com.
Breakout Sessions
Breakout sessions will be offered Tuesday – Friday on a range of various topics including:
Children’s Programs
Demonstrations by a local children’s choir
Panel discussion on children’s programs
Discussion of repertory for children
Organ Classes (including one Master Class session)
Vocal Pedagogy
Musicianship Training
Clergy Training
Spiritual Formation and Vocal Pedagogy for Priests and Seminarians
New Music Series
Semiology Series
Parish Music Programs
Sacred Music and Evangelization
Gregorian Chant Modes
Complete listing of Breakout Sessions, including descriptions: BREAKOUT SESSIONS
Organ Master Class session
Once again, we are fortunate to have Dr. Paul Weber offering an organ masterclass this year.
Up to three organists may sign up for the session to perform a piece of their choosing and receive instruction from Dr. Paul Weber, which, in masterclass format, will be designed to apply generally to all those attending. Performers may pre-register for this session by contacting us at programs@musicasacra.com. Moderate to difficult repertoire is encouraged.
UPDATE: No more spaces available for Masterclass performers.
Chant Course Descriptions
Fundamentals for Men and Women (Director, Mary Ann Carr Wilson): This course in Gregorian chant is intended for real chant beginners: both those who can read modern notation and those with no musical training. Participants will learn how to read the four line staff, the names of the neumes, and how to navigate the intervals with solfege. Rhythm will be introduced. Course material will include the Ordinaries of the Mass and two Propers.
Refresher for Men and Women (Director, Wilko Brouwers): This course offers continued study in Gregorian chant and is intended for those who have had some background in chant but do not sing chant on a regular basis. This is a beginning to intermediate course whose primary aim, like the foundations course, will not be performance in liturgy. Participants will be responsible for singing the Ordinaries of the Mass and will be prepared to sing three chant Propers during the week.
Schola (two sections: David Hughes, Women; Charles Cole, Men): This course is intended for advanced singers who sing chant regularly. The two scholas (men, women) will be responsible for the bulk of the more difficult Mass Propers sung during the week.
Advanced Seminar on Vocal/Polyphonic Improvisation on Chant (Director, William Mahrt): This course is intended for advanced singers (both men and women) who wish to continue their studies of Gregorian chant. This class will focus on study rather than performance, including various types of improvisation on chant including organum, diaphonum, descant and Fauxbourdon, with the seminar preparing two Mass Propers.
Advanced Seminar on Chant Conducting (Director, Scott Turkington): This course is intended for advanced singers (both men and women) who wish to continue their studies of Gregorian chant, particularly on conducting. This class will also focus on study rather than performance. This choir will prepare two Mass Propers for liturgies during the week.
Office Choir for Men and Women: (Directors, Jonathan Ryan and Jeffrey Morse) This course is intended for intermediate to advanced singers and will concentrate on the singing of the divine office, particularly Vespers psalmody on Thursday evening. This choir will also take the lead in morning and night prayer during the week.
Polyphonic Choir Descriptions
Jeffrey Morse: Beginning Polyphonic Choir
This choir is designed to introduce and improve on the critical vocal and musical techniques necessary for singing polyphonic music. Singers will learn how to carry a part on their own, independent of other sections, and without accompaniment. Members of this choir will learn rhythm, pitch, and vocal production. The choir is designed for novice singers who would not yet benefit from a more advanced choir, but it might also be useful for directors who wish to see how a master goes about teaching inexperienced singers to make beautiful music. One piece is a part of this choir’s agenda: Ave Maria, Victoria. This choir will sing at Mass on Saturday.
Wilko Brouwers: Clemens non papa Choir
The major piece this choir will sing under Brouwers’ direction is the Requiem Mass by Clemens non papa, which will be sung at Mass on Thursday, June 22. This choir will also sing the polyphonic Credo by Howells for the Saturday Mass on June 24.
Scott Turkington: Mendelssohn Choir
The Lauda Sion, by Mendelssohn is the major work to be sung by this choir under Turkington’s direction. This will be sung on Friday afternoon at the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This choir will also sing choral parts of the Marier Mass ordinary on Tuesday.
Charles Cole: Howells Choir
Chales Cole will direct his choir in the Howells Mass in the Dorian Mode on Saturday on all parts except the Credo, will which be sung by the Brouwers choir. In addition, this choir will sing an Ouseley motet, From the Rising of the Sun at the Tuesday Mass.
Melanie Malinka: Motet Choir
Malinka’s choir will sing a variety of motets during the week by various composers: Gibbons, Stanford, Morales, DiLasso and Messiaen.
View the entire list of musical repertory that will be sung by chant and polyphony choirs for Colloquium XXVII:
Repertory by Choir
Repertory Plan
New Music
This year’s breakout schedule includes three days of breakouts with David Hughes, where you’ll be able to collaborate with other composers to fine-tune your compositions. Please bring at least 15 copies of the work you plan to use during the session for participants in the breakout. The best compositions from the New Music Breakout sessions will be used for the New Music Reading session on Friday afternoon. New Music Participants: Please plan to provide digital pdf files from the compositions to the David for final printing before the Reading session.
The New Music Reading for this year’s Sacred Music Colloquium is scheduled for Friday, June 23, 2017 at 11:15 am at the OEC Auditorium. If you have questions, please contact us at programs@musicasacra.com.
To get an idea of the schedule of events, please see our Schedule of Events (preliminary). This will give detailed information about the events of the week, including time and location.
For an overview, please see the Schedule at a Glance (UPDATED).
The CMAA is dependent on donations for scholarships. If you are interested in sponsoring a musician, priest or seminarian’s attendance, please write to us at programs@musicasacra.com or make a donation to our Annual Fund. No amount is too small. All scholarship donations are applied directly to scholarships. If making a donation to the Annual Fund, you can also specify that your donation is to be used for scholarships. To make a donation to the Annual Fund, please use this form or make an online donation:
Scholarship Assistance may be available for partial tuition for persons or parishes of limited means. To apply for a scholarship, please see information about scholarship applications above. Or request a packet from the CMAA office by calling (505) 263-6298. Application deadline is April 7th.To apply for a CMAA Colloquium scholarship, please fill out the application form and scholarship recommendation form and submit them to us prior to April 7, 2016. All applications and recommendations must be received at our office by April 7, 2017. Send applications to us at: CMAA, PO Box 4344, Roswell, NM 88202 or you may email the completed forms to us at programs@musicasacra.com. In order to process your application, we must have both forms received by the deadline. If you have not received confirmation that your application was received in our office by April 7th, please email us at programs@musicasacra.com to assure you don’t miss the deadline.
Application Form
Scholarship Recommendation Form
REGISTRATION FORM – download pdf file.
LATE REGISTRATION IS NOW IN EFFECT. Check or credit card payment must accompany registration. Registration and full payment must be postmarked on or before June 9th (Late). You may register online or by mail. If you wish to make installment payments for your fees, please use the mail-in form. Update: Installment payments no longer possible. Your registration is not considered complete unless accompanied by the $75 non-refundable deposit. Registrations must be received at the CMAA Office (by mail or online) by the close of business, June 9th. After June 9th, registration is only available by telephone by calling our office at (505) 263-6298 on a space available basis. Full tuition payment must be made by the respective deadlines.
Cancellation: Requests received in writing at the CMAA Office postmarked on or before June 9th will receive a refund less the non-refundable $75 deposit. After that date, refunds are given only in the form of a credit toward registration for the 2018 Colloquium. Refunds may be processed after the Colloquium. All requests for credit must be received in the CMAA office or by email (programs@musicasacra.com) by June 18th in order to be considered for credit. Late requests may only receive a partial credit, depending on charges to the CMAA for meals.
Member Discounts
With a current CMAA membership, the members’ rate is available to you; it is not transferable to another person. If your parish has a CMAA parish membership, please note the name of your parish on your registration form.
Not yet a member? Join now and receive the benefits of membership for a full year for the same price as a non-member registration. Once your membership payment is received, you’ll receive an email with information about the member discount code. Email us at gm@musicasacra.com for any questions.
Join the CMAA
Youth Participants
A parent or chaperone must accompany youth attendees under eighteen. The chaperone must be at least twenty-one years old and registered for the full Colloquium or as a Companion. A temporary guardian form and release must be on file with the CMAA before anyone under the age of eighteen may be admitted to the Colloquium by sending the completed form in advance (electronic copy is fine). The original must be given to the chaperone/temporary guardian. If the youth participant is not accompanied by a parent, a medical treatment authorization form must also be provided to the chaperone or guardian and a copy provided to us in advance by email.
Daily Registration
Be sure to indicate the day(s) for which you are registering and note that the fee for full convention registration is usually less than the fee for multiple days. Daily registration is not available online; it must be done on the registration form. Daily Registrations include lunch, but do not include banquets. If you wish to purchase a ticket for a banquet on a daily registration, you must indicate that on your registration form. If you also wish to purchase dining hall meal (either breakfast or dinner), please contact us directly at programs@musicasacra.com for pricing.
Additional Information
Companion (Adult): Those registering as companions are welcome to accompany a full Colloquium registrant to all activities except breakouts and choir rehearsals. A separate registration form must be filled out for each companion including payment for any additional activities and must include the name of the Full Convention Registrant. Companion registration is not available online; it must be done using the downloadable registration form.
Arrangements for guests to attend banquets may be made, but require at least 72 hours’ notice. The two banquets during the week (Monday and Friday) are included for all registrants with full tuition or companion pass.
Dormitory Housing
The University of St. Thomas, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, has made on-campus dormitory housing available for our faculty and participants for Colloquium 2017. The campus housing offers air-conditioning and single-or double-occupancy rooms.
The single-occupancy rooms will be in Morrison Hall. The rooms are in four-bedroom, two-bath apartments with a shared sitting area and micro-fridge. Each bedroom has one bed available; baths are shared between two private bedrooms. The cost per night for single rooms is $55.
Double-occupancy rooms will be available in Murray Hall. Each double-occupancy room has two beds and a private bath available. The number of these double-occupancy rooms available is very limited, so do not delay making your registration for these rooms if you wish to share. The charge per person for these double rooms is $45/night. When you register for a double room, please notify us regarding your preferred roommate. If you do not specify a roommate, we will attempt to assign one to you. If we are unable to assign a roommate to you, we will notify you of the additional charge due for a single room. Please note: Double rooms are not available on 6/18. If you plan to arrive on Sunday, you must choose the single option. Update: No more rooms are available for check-in on 6/18.
Check-in location is: Koch Commons (#19 on campus map) located just south of the corner of Selby Avenue and Finn Street in St. Paul, MN. For information on the day of check-in, please go to the information window located in the lobby of the Anderson Student Center: (651) 962-6137.
Necessary keys will be checked out and in by Conference Housing Staff.
Normal Check in time will be at: 2:30 – 10:00 PM on June 19, 2017.
Normal Check out time will be by 2:00 PM on June 24, 2017.
Check-in for 6/18 arrivals will be: 3:00 – 10:00 pm on June 18, 2017.
Check-in for other days (partial registrations) will be on the day of your arrival: 3:00 – 10:00 pm.
DORMITORY TIPS (download pdf)
In the event of emergency while you are a guest at the University of St. Thomas, guests can be reached at (651) 962-5100 for emergency messages only.
Individuals using the residence hall may not move furniture between rooms or to move furniture out of public common areas. No open flame devices, including candles or incense, may be used in the residence halls. No decorative or holiday lights are allowed. Screws and nails may not be used in the walls and furniture. Screens may not be removed from windows. No pets are allowed. Other generally applicable rules and regulations with respect to the residence halls apply. Authorized UST personnel may enter and search rooms if they believe it is necessary, including but not limited to situations involving an emergency, to silence disruptive noises, if smoke is detected, for maintenance, or if they believe state law or University policy is being violated. Licensee shall consult with UST with any questions about residence hall use. UST is not responsible for any personal property of Event participants in residence halls or any other Facility. Any keys and keycards not returned at the time of check-out will be billed to the individual at $75.00 per key; $10.00 per keycard lost.
All participants must comply with UST’s policies on tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. The illegal use, possession, or trafficking of drugs by any employee, volunteer, agent, participant, guest, or invitee of Licensee during the Event or on UST property is strictly prohibited. Effective January 1, 2014, UST has implemented a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy. Use of tobacco and smoking products, including but not limited to e-cigarettes, is not permitted within any UST building and is not permitted anywhere on UST property.
Individuals possessing and/or consuming alcoholic beverages on UST’s campus must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older.
Meal Plans
All registrations include lunches in the University of St. Thomas Dining Hall in the Anderson Student Center (Tuesday – Friday only).
Our opening banquet on Monday, June 19th, will be at the Anderson Student Center on the University of St. Thomas campus. In addition, we will have a banquet following our liturgy at St. Agnes Parish on Friday, June 23rd. These two banquets are included in the registration fee for full-time participants or companion participants*. Extra tickets for either banquet may be purchased upon request. The cost for the opening banquet is $50/person; the cost for the banquet at St. Agnes Parish is $25/person.
*These banquets are not included for those registering for day rate passes. If you are purchasing a day pass for Monday or Friday, please also purchase a banquet ticket if you wish to attend.
Our final closing lunch at the Anderson Student Center is not included in the full meal plan or registration fee. Please add it to your registration if you are able to join us for that final meal together. The closing lunch will be held at the Anderson Student Center following the final Mass at St. Mark’s parish on Saturday, June 24th and will include closing remarks by Dr. William Mahrt. The cost for this lunch is $30/person.
All registrants receive lunches as a part of their registration fee. For those who are not local to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and especially anyone staying on-campus are highly encouraged to also purchase a full meal plan. The restaurant options near the campus are very limited.
Full-meal Plan: This plan will include meals as follows: Breakfast: Tuesday, June 20 – Saturday, June 24 (5 days), Dinner: Tuesday, June 20 – Thursday, June 22 (3 days). All meals will be taken at the Anderson Student Center Cafeteria. These meals taken together offer a wonderful opportunity for faculty and participants to share time together in addition to the regular Colloquium activities. We encourage all participants to take advantage of this opportunity. The cost for this plan is $88.
REGISTRATION FORM – download pdf file.
Photographs and Recordings: You are welcome to take photos and videos, but please do not use flash, especially during sacred liturgies.
We welcome private recordings during the Colloquium. In fact, amateur recordings are kept in a collection online by one of our members at this site, and are available for free access. If you do record a session or liturgy, please consider sharing your files with him so that others may hear them.
Contact us at programs@musicasacra.com for more information about sharing your recordings.
Conference Hotel
HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS are available at the Doubletree Hotel, 411 Minnesota Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101, (651) 291-8800. Rooms are available at the special conference price of $149 per room per night, plus tax, for single or double rooms, up to occupancy of two per room. Add $10/person for extra occupancy up to a maximum of four/room. Make your reservation before May 19, 2017 to get the special group rate. Please use the link for reservations with the room block or mention group code 348.
Amenities in this all non-smoking hotel include free wifi, refrigerators and microwaves in all guest rooms. The daily parking charge is $15. The hotel offers both full-service restaurant and bar, as well as a fitness center and indoor pool.
To register for hotel accommodations at this special rate, access our event reservation page.
Helpful Links
Curious about the Sacred Music from previous Colloquia? Listen to some of the sound files from previous years at this website: http://music.dierschow.com/Colloquium/
CAMPUS MAP – University of St. Thomas (St. Paul)
RESTAURANTS near the University of St. Thomas