Sacred Music Virtual Colloquium 2020
July 6 – 10, 2020
The Church Music Association of America is proud to invite you to join us in our first Virtual Sacred Music Colloquium. As the world contends with the effects of the worldwide pandemic, the CMAA’s Sacred Music Virtual Colloquium will be designed to provide sessions that will be useful to you during these times of musical restrictions, as well as moving forward toward the future. Our virtual program offers opportunities for learning, singing, listening, and interacting with some of the best minds and musicians in the Catholic world today!
The CMAA Virtual Colloquium will be primarily focused on instruction in topics related to chant, polyphony and the Catholic sacred music tradition, lectures and daily night prayer. During the week, you’ll be able to participate in all these sessions via your home computer using the Zoom app. At the end of each breakout session there will be a question and answer session.
Virtual Colloquium Highlights
- Breakout sessions during the week on a variety of topics, from directing, organ improvisation, Catholic Music in Time of Pandemic, children’s programs, vocal pedagogy and Ward Method, Spanish Musical Resources (in Spanish), Programming for your Choir, Rehearsing the Choir, Medieval Analysis, and The Jubilus of the Alleluia, among others.
- Daily Spiritual Reflections provided by our chaplain, Rev. Robert Pasley.
- Night Prayer – Roman Rite, Extraordinary Form
- Evening Panel Discussions and opportunities to share experiences.
Visit the Main Virtual Colloquium Page for all the details about the Schedule, Descriptions of Breakout Sessions, Faculty Information, Registration details and more.